Clean Your Fireplace Surround When the Heating Season Comes to an End

Fireplaces and wood burners are being used less and less now that the weather is getting warmer. So it is a great time to start thinking about cleaning up the soot and smoke residue that has accumulated over the last few months. The fireplace surround is always the most difficult to clean because more often than not it is constructed with textured materials like brick or stone.

Cleaning a textured fireplace surround is not as simple as grabbing a hot bucket of soapy water and a rag to wipe it down. In many cases homeowners will take a scrub brush to their fireplace surround which may be effective cleaning a stone surface but this can also drive the soot and ash further into the porous grout or brick surfaces. Wiping the surfaces with a rag will take a really long time because at first you will just be smearing around the extremely fine soot and ash particles. Depending on the materials that make up your fireplace surround, it could potentially look worse than when you started.

The Right Way to Clean a Fireplace Surround

Don’t get discouraged quite yet, we have a product for you that will make cleaning a fireplace surround a piece of cake. It is as simple as painting it on, letting it dry, and peeling it off. It is the one and only Paint-N-Peel Fireplace Cleaner.

Paint-N-Peel is a fantastic product like no other. Chimney Rx Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner is a water-based cleaning product that removes unsightly smoke, soot, creosote build-up and dirt stains from masonry fireplace surfaces. Paint & Peel Fireplace Cleaner can be used indoors or outdoors on stone, cultured stone, limestone, brick, marble, slate, tile, concrete, and mortar.

What are you going to need to complete this project? Of course you are going to need at least one ½ gallon tub of Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner, which is going to cover up to an 80 sq. ft. area. Depending on the size of the area that you are going to clean, you may need more than just a ½ gallon tub. Additional items that you will need are a drop cloth, some blue painters tape, and the included bristled paint brush for applying the fireplace cleaner.

Click here to learn more about the Paint-N-Peel application process.