Keep Chimney Pipe Safe on the Roof During All Weather Conditions

Venting with chimney pipe is not the same as when venting with a masonry chimney. Ultimately it is the same concept but there is one crucially important factor that you need to consider during installation. That factor is the weather and how the pipe will stand up to it. Once you have installed chimney pipe on your roof that is where you want it to stay!

The weather can take a toll of both venting types but in different ways. Chimney pipe is not as structurally sturdy as a masonry chimney. Extreme weather conditions can be hazardous to an unprotected chimney stack.

Do you live in an area that receives a large amount of snow accumulation or incurs high winds on a regular basis? If the answer is yes then you should consider taking precautions to support and protect your chimney pipe. After all installing chimney pipe is not an easy task and it is quite an investment for the average homeowner.

I have a couple products that would be beneficial for any homeowner to consider installing at the time of their chimney pipe installation. These products will help support and protect your chimney pipe.

Extended Roof Bracket

An Extended Roof Bracket is used to support the chimney when it extends more than 4-5′ above the roof. It provides stability for the chimney stack against wind and snow. If you live in high wind areas it is highly recommended that you install a roof bracket to stabilize your chimney pipe so that the winds do not carry it away! In most areas an Extended Roof Bracket should be installed at every 4 ft. increment of chimney height. Leave no more than 4 ft. of chimney pipe extending above the last bracket.

The Extended Roof Brackets are very simple to install. Simply follow these instructions:

  1. Slip the Pipe Band around the chimney and secure by tightening the nut and bolt.
  2. Secure one end of the Legs to the Pipe Band using the nuts and bolts. Position the Adjustable Legs so they form approximately a 60° angle with the chimney, and with each other. To ensure a secure fit be sure that there is at least a 3″ overlap between the top and bottom portions of the Adjustable Leg. To pin the legs in this position, there is a hole provided on the outer leg where two pieces overlap. Use a 1/4″ drill bit to drill through the inner leg at that location. Use the nut & bolt provided to lock the pieces at the desired height.
  3. Mount the Extended Roof Bracket to the roof where each of the Adjustable Legs will meet the roof. Use 6 roofing nails per foot bracket. Seal each of the nail heads carefully with a high temp silicone. Attach the bottom end of the Adjustable Legs to the foot brackets using the nuts & bolts provided.

Click here to check out the Extended Roof Brackets that we offer!

Snow Splitter

A snow splitter is going to be a good idea if you live in an area that receives a fair amount of snow accumulation. It is a two sided tee pee like structure that is placed on the top side of the chimney stack. The snow splitter is used to protect your chimney pipe by diverting snow around the chimney stack and flashing.

Here at NorthlineExpress, we have a snow splitter installed with our chimney pipe. Being that we are located in Northern Michigan and tend to accumulate A LOT of snow, it was really a no brainer to install it. Our chimney pipe has made it through many winters without any issues or damage!

Get your Snow Splitter by clicking here!