5 Accessories to Have on Hand for your Mosquito Magnet Trap

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When you purchased your Mosquito Magnet it was all about choosing the right model for your property. Now is the time to ensure that you have all of the accessories that you need for a smooth and successful mosquito season. It is never a good thing when you are dead in the middle of the mosquito season and you run out of the attractant that you need and have to wait days for it to be delivered. During the time that you are waiting on your accessories to arrive the mosquitoes are breeding and moving their way back onto your property. So don’t set yourself back in the fight against mosquitoes keep all of your Mosquito Magnet accessories on hand so you are always prepared for combat!

Video Highlights: 0:10 Top Mosquito Trap Accessories 0:34 Attractants 1:29 Adding a tank cover 1:54 Quick Clear CO2 Cartridge 2:19 Catch Net 2:59 Why to use a Handheld Zapper while maintaining your trap

Here are the 3 accessories to never be without:

Attractant Refills

The type of attractant that you use will depend on the type of mosquitoes that you have in your area. Either Lurex3 or Octenol will be the attractant that you will need for your Mosquito Magnet Trap.

Octenol is a naturally occurring by-product that comes from plants and some animals that ingest large amounts of vegetable matter. Studies have shown that Octenol, when combined with carbon dioxide, is highly attractive to many species of biting insects. The Octenol is in the form of a packet with a peel-off top that is inserted into the Mosquito Magnet. It is recommended that the packet be replaced every three weeks.

Lurex3 is an attractant specifically designed for customers who have the Asian tiger mosquito. Lurex3 is made of natural compounds that simulate human sweat. Customers who live in areas where the Asian Tiger is the predominant mosquito should use Lurex3 instead of Octenol. It is recommended that the packet be replaced every three weeks as well.

Tank Cover

All of the Mosquito Magnet Trap Models are powered by propane and when a propane tank is left out in the elements there is bound to be some rust on the tank. Protect the tank from developing rust by covering it with a tank cover from Mosquito Magnet. The tank cover is made of a green nylon fabric to match the Mosquito Magnet Traps and has a Velcro seal.

Quick Clean CO2 Cartridge

Keep these handy accessories on hand to keep your mosquito trap working properly. It is recommended that every time the propane tank needs to be replaces that you clean out the burner port on a Mosquito Magnet mosquito trap with a Quick Clean CO2 Cartridge. This will clean the line free of any insects or debris that may get in there. You do not want to let your lines clog with the insects that you are trying to get rid of!

Extra Catch Net

Each of the Mosquito Magnet Traps include a catch net. However, it is recommended that you leave the mosquitoes in the net when you remove it to ensure that all are dead and you do not release any that are still alive when dumping the net. For this reason it would be helpful to have an extra net or two on hand or in the event that the catch net got a small hole or tear. It is always a good idea to have a backup!

Handheld Zapper

The last of the recommended accessories to have on hand is a Handheld Zapper. This accessory is for when you are emptying the catch net. Obviously when you approach the trap the mosquitoes are going to swarm you because the trap is doing its job. All you have to do is turn the insect zapper on and wave it around your trap a couple times to notice the difference, and oh what a difference it makes. This little device allows you to tend to your mosquito trap without being swarmed or eaten alive by mosquitoes.

Don’t be caught off guard again! Keep all of these great accessories on hand and you will always be prepared for the war against mosquitoes!