Enjoy Your Backyard With the Use of Personal Mosquito Repellents

[Download the PDF](https://www.northlineexpress.com/media/pdf/blog/personal-repellents-reclaim-your-backyard.pdf)Video Highlights 0:49 Mosquito Repellents 1:49 Different repellents 1:55 Spray Repellents 2:23 Repellent Wipes 2:53 Repellent Patch 3:20 Battery Powered Repellents 3:36 Table Top Repellents 3:51 Sidekick Repellents 4:15 Butane Powered Repellents 4:24 ThermaCell Handheld Unit 5:07 ThermaCell Lantern 5:31 Handheld Zappers

So it is mid-summer and you had the best of intentions to do something about your mosquito control but life happens and for whatever reason you did not really do anything about the mosquitoes in your yard. Do not worry even though it is definitely the best idea to start your mosquito control regiment early, it is never too late to get relief from those pesky blood suckers.

I am Melissa from Northline Express and today I want to introduce you to our personal mosquito repellent products that will have the mosquitoes running, well I guess they would be flying, away rather than them chasing you back inside. I have introduced you to mosquito traps and misters earlier in our Reclaim Your Backyard Series and while they are a very effective way to control mosquitoes they only protect you when you are at home or where ever you are using the trap or mister. You cannot take them along when you are camping, walking, or even on a picnic. They also take time to really see the full effects. The best defense for mosquitoes while you are enjoying the outdoors is going to be a good repellent.

There is a wide variety of personal repellents and devices for mosquitoes and other flying, biting insects out there that do not require application or chemicals! They range from traditional sprays to lanterns. While these products are great at repelling mosquitoes they do not actually kill the mosquitoes or reduce your mosquito population. They quickly and effectively create a “bug free” area so you can reclaim your backyard!

Like I mentioned earlier most of the personal repellents on the market now do not contain chemicals, most use Allethrine which a copy of a repellent that is naturally produced in Chrysanthemum flowers and is safe for use around humans and pets. I have some products here today that I want to introduce you to they are some of my favorite mosquito repellent products that I have used and Love!

Liquid Net, the Ultimate Insect Repellent, is completely DEET free and is made from all natural, pleasant smelling ingredients like lemon grass, cedarwood and citronella oils. These long lasting essential oils can be applied to everyone in your family, including children. Liquid Net comes in convenient pump sprays that fit in your pocket, purse and backpack. Liquid Net is also available in convenient towelettes in a compact carrying case.

The Mosquito Patch is a unique, safe and natural way to repel mosquitoes, flies and gnats. The patch contains no harsh chemicals, pesticides or insecticides; only the vitamin Thiamin B1! Research has shown that large doses of Thiamin B1 produces an odor that is not detectable by humans, but is disagreeable to mosquitoes. This is the perfect alternative to chemical sprays for those hypersensitive/allergic individuals. The design of the patch, 2″x 2″ and clear, makes it easy to be worn on a discreet part of the body (i.e. inside of arm, ankle, or lower hip beneath your bathing suit). The patch should be worn for 24 hours and protection will last up to 36 hours.

The Terminix AllClear Mosquito Repellers use fan-based diffusion technology to circulate 100% safe, all-natural mosquito repellent. Using all-natural ingredients like lemongrass, cinnamon, peppermint, & geranium oils, the Terminix Table Top & the sidekick Mosquito Repeller are able to create a 15’ x 15’ mosquito-free zone for up to 18 hours which is 4 times longer than chemical mosquito repellent options. The sidekick repeller conveniently clips on your belt for portable hands free mosquito protection.

The ThermaCell personal mosquito control device & lantern are revolutionary personal mosquito repellent appliances designed for people on the go. Whether you are hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, or just trying to enjoy the outdoors the ThermaCell mosquito repellent appliances will repel annoying mosquitoes in any environment. They provide a 15 x 15 foot comfort zone. Each repellent mat provides up to four hours of protection and each butane cartridge provides up to 12 hours of operation. The LED lantern and mosquito repellent can be used separately or together, making it even more user friendly.

I hope this information has been very helpful for you. Don’t forget to purchase your personal repellent products from NorthlineExpress.com, home of the “Buy and Try” satisfaction guarantee.

Learn more about personal repellent products.