How to Freshen up a Fireplace Using Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner

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Is your fireplace just starting to look a little bit dirty and you have been putting off cleaning it? Thinking about cleaning the masonry materials around your fireplace can be very intimidating. The thought of spending hours on your hands and knees scrubbing all of the porous surfaces is not appealing. Well do not worry about it, we have a product for you that is revolutionary and will be able to turn your fireplace from drab to fab in 3 easy steps. You just paint it on, let it dry, and then simply peel it off. You can do all of this with the ChimneyRx Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner. Once you give this product a try you are going to wonder why you had waited so long to bring your fireplace back to life.

ChimneyRx Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner

Over time small black carbon based particles embed themselves in your masonry surface around your fireplace and this takes away from its appearance. The most common masonry stains are a result of smoke, soot, creosote as well as dirt. Trying to get rid of these stains can have you on your hands and knees for hours and requires a great deal of elbow grease, but not if you give ChimneyRx Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner a try. With this fireplace cleaner smoke, soot, creosote, and dirt removal is easier and faster than ever! It can be used indoors or outdoors on stone, cultured stone, lime stone, brick, marble, slate, tile, concrete, or mortar.

So now let’s talk about how this fireplace cleaner is going to work. It is as easy as 1-2-3. You are going to paint it on, let it dry, and peel it off. What are you going to need to get this project started? Of course you are going to need ½ gallon tub of ChimneyRx Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner, which is going to cover up to 80 square feet. You will also want a drop cloth, some blue painters tape, and then we are going to include a bristled paint brush that will be used to apply the ChimneyRx Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner.

Step 1: Prep It

Once you have everything gathered that you will need to start applying the ChimneyRx Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner, you will want to start getting the area taped off covering any areas that you do not want to be treated with the ChimneyRx Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner. So for this step you will want to use your blue painters tape. You are going to mask of areas like your fireplace doors, any type of trim, vents, and your mantel. The next step in this process is going to be to give the face of the fireplace a good dusting. This is going to help remove any of the access dust so that the Paint N Peel fireplace cleaner can get a good grip on the porous surface of the masonry material. The last step before painting on the fireplace cleaner is going to be to lay down a drop cloth to protect your hearth or flooring in front of your fireplace.

Step 2: Paint It

Now before your begin to apply the ChimneyRx Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner you will want to give it a good heavy stir. Use the included bristle paint brush to begin applying the cleaner to the face of your fireplace, if you prefer you may also use a heavy nap roller for the application. You will want to get a lot on your brush because it is best that you apply a 1/8 inch to a 3/16 inch layer on your fireplace surface that you are cleaning. When applied thicker it will allow you to easily peel it off without tearing.

Tip: Do not worry if you accidentally drip some of the paint N peel, it will wash off with some warm soapy water and a rag.

Step 2: Let It Dry

When you are all finished painting on the ChimneyRx Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner it is time to just let it dry. The drying time can take anywhere from 6-12 hours depending on how warm your home is, and how much moisture is in your home as well. You will know when the product is dry because it will have a dry touch to turning a grey/green color and will also become almost like an elastic rubber. We let our paint N peel dry all night long and it is now the grey/green color so we know it is completely dry.

Step 3: Peel It Off

So now all we have to do is peel it off to see the results. It is good to start on the edge peeling the whole edge up just a bit so that you can get as good of a grip as possible to peel it off in large chunks instead of a bunch of tiny pieces. This will help avoid making a larger mess than necessary. There will most likely be few small pieces in the joints where the surface and trim meet that you will have to go back to pull off. When you are peeling the fireplace cleaner off look at the back side, you will be able to see the dirt and grime that it has pulled off of the face of your fireplace. The Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner gets into all of the pores in the material and attaches to the dirt particles so when it dries they will be removed right along with the Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner. You may not have thought your hearth was that dirty but the results will be pretty amazing when you look up close.

The Results

You will need to give it a good steady pull to remove it from the porous fireplace materials. It can withstand a good force without ripping or shredding. The results will astound you! Even in the grout lines it makes a drastic difference with what before looked like a grey grout line proves to have actually been a sand color grout once the Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner was removed. The proof is in the pudding, the results with this fireplace cleaner are absolutely dramatic.

If you are looking for a product that is going to give you great results look no further, head on over to purchase your tub of ChimneyRx Paint N Peel Fireplace Cleaner. You will be glad that you did and I give this product a big thumbs up. Honestly, using the product it is not that much work at all it is actually pretty fun.