Monitor The Burning Efficiency of Your Wood Stove with Rutland's Magnetic Wood Stove Thermometer

Video Highlights
0:09 What a wood stove thermometer does
0:30 How the wood stove thermometer works
1:24 How to use the wood stove thermometer
1:31 Why do You need a stove thermometer

Hi, I am Melissa from Northline Express, and I am here today to talk to you about the Rutland Wood Stove Thermometer. This is a great accessory for those of you out there who are using wood stoves to heat your home because it is going to accurately let you judge how effectively you are burning your wood stove. It is important to know whether you are burning in the efficient zones or whether you are burning your stove too hot or too low.

This particular thermometer is going to have three different color indication zones, this let you easily know when you are burning your stove at the optimum temperature, too hot, or too low.

The first color indication zone on the wood stove thermometer is yellow, and that lets you know that you are burning your stove too low, which increases the chances of build-up of dangerous creosote in your chimney. It also means that you are not using your wood very effectively and getting the most heat out of it as is possible.

The second color indication zone is a blend of yellow and orange, and that zone lets you know that you are in the optimum burning temperature zone and that you are getting the most out of your firewood, it also indicates that you have the lowest chance of dangerous creosote build-up in the chimney.

The third color indication zone is a orange/red color and that is the over fire or over burn zone. This lets you know that you are burning your wood too hot. This is not only going to burn through your fuel that much faster and make your fuel inefficient, because you are not getting as much heat out of it as you should. It is also letting you know that you are burning your stove too hot, which can decrease the integrity of the steel of your stove, as well as the chimney.

The Rutland Wood Stove Thermometer is very easy to use. You simply place it on the top of your stove and read the temperatures as you need. It is important to use these thermometers because they help you learn when it is time to adjust the damper control on your stove to get the most efficient burn.

With the small investment in a wood stove thermometer it is a great value and it is definitely an accessory I recommend getting from NorthlineExpress, Home of the “Buy and Try” satisfaction guarantee.

Shop for Rutland’s Stove Thermometer now…