Choosing The Right Type Of Log Splitter To Best Suit Your Needs

Video Highlights: 0:04 What is a log splitter 0:14 The 3 types of log splitters 0:23 Manual log splitters 0:43 Electric log splitters 1:34 Gas log splitters 2:14 Choose the best type for your needs

A log splitter is an important tool for anyone that burns wood. They are a piece of equipment used to split firewood that is cut into sections. There are different types of log splitters available to choose from. They range from manual splitters to hydraulic powered splitters. Let’s start by reviewing the 3 types of wood splitters and their differences.

Manual log splitters are lightweight and easy to store. There are models that are foot powered and models that are hand powered. Some manual log splitters are going to operate with hydraulics while others rely on man power and weights. Manual splitters do require quite a bit of man power to operate but they are still easier than swinging an ax. They make a great tool for the occasional wood burner.

Electric log splitters are the most popular type of splitter and are adequate for most situations. Essentially electric splitters operate the same as gas splitters, with the main difference being an electric motor powering the hydraulics rather than a gas engine. They are lighter and more portable because they usually have a more compact size. They operate either at ground level, on a bench, or on a stand. With soaring gas prices electric splitters can be a more cost effective splitter than gas powered splitters. Another major bonus with electric splitters is the fact that they can be used indoors, outdoors, or anywhere in between where there is a standard outlet. They also require less maintenance because you are not maintaining a gas engine, i.e. changing fluids.

Gas Log Splitters are going to be the largest and most powerful. Gas logs splitters usually are able to accept larger diameter logs. They do not require being plugged in which expands the area that you can use them in. However, due to the engine exhausts they cannot be used indoors. Gas splitters are going to be the most expensive type of splitter because they are larger and more powerful. They will require regular maintenance like all other equipment with a gas engines. They will require oil changes, air filter changes, spark plug replacements, and fuel additions on a regular basis for optimum performance.

There is a log splitter that is going to be best for each situation and each type of user. Electric splitters will be best for those who have smaller diameter logs and don’t mind splitting firewood close to home. They suit those who split on an “as needed” basis as well because they can be used indoors during undesirable weather. If you know that you are going to be splitting large, tough logs or you are processing a lot of firewood each season out in the woods then you are better suited with a gas splitter. Consider how you use your firewood to best choose a splitter that will suit your needs. Who knows you may end up wanting more than one; a gas splitter for the bulk and a manual or electric splitter for occasional use and kindling.

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