The Different Types of Canopies and Their Many Uses

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Thinking of purchasing a canopy but not sure if you will use it enough? There are many different types and sizes of canopies. Canopies are available in EZ-Up versions, shade canopies, garden canopies, portable garages, carports, and more. Each type of canopy can be used for a multitude of uses. Canopies are no longer just meant to be used for shade sources. There are many brands of canopies to choose from, some of the top brands available are Shelter Logic, Coleman, E-Z Up, Caravan, and King Canopy. All of the brands that we carry offer quality canopies that can be used for many different purposes.

Let’s break down a few of the types of canopies and their possible uses.

Shade Canopies

Shade canopies allow you to escape the hot sun and retreat under a cool, shaded area in any outdoor setting. Whether you are enjoying a relaxing day on the beach, a backyard picnic or an exciting day at a sporting event a shade canopy will be a perfect tag-a-long to provide comfort and relaxation in any setting. Pop-up canopies are convenient and are great for taking with you to the beach or sporting events. Many people that frequent craft shows or farmer’s markets to sell their goods will purchase a pop-up canopy because of their convenience and easy portability. These canopies are also the perfect size for providing a shelter covering over a child’s small pool or sand box.

Garden Canopies

Relax away the afternoon with the pleasant aromas of a garden in bloom, under the shelter of a beautiful garden canopy. A garden canopy has an elegant design with screened sides that will help keep the insects from bugging you while trying to relax. You can use a garden canopy on a deck, patio, or in the yard. Place multiple garden tents around for shade to add elegance to any event. Using a garden canopy is great when you are having company over for an outdoor dinner. The screened sides keep the insects out while the canopy is also blocking the harmful UV rays. If you are not in need of the elegance of a garden canopy there are also screened canopies that have all of the benefits of a garden canopy with a simpler design.

Event Tent or Large Canopies

If you’re planning a reunion, reception or backyard party, give your guests a place to escape the rain and sun by having a large canopy or event tent in place. An Event tent is great for an outdoor wedding, it will provide your guests a covered place to gather and you can even include flooring under the tent for an outdoor dance floor. The larger canopies are also great if you have items that you need to keep out of the elements temporarily or seasonally. Provide shelter and a cool place for horses or any other animals to escape the sun with a large canopy. Using a canopy allows the placement to vary because it is portable.

Portable Garage or Carport

Keeping your vehicle constantly out in the hot sun can cause its paint to fade or look lackluster, especially if your vehicle is painted a dark color like black, dark blue or red. Keep your vehicle’s paint job looking fresh and new by parking it under a portable garage or carport canopy. Protect not only your vehicles but all of your investments against inclement weather conditions in the off season. Not only are these good for storing vehicles and other outdoor “toys” but use these canopies on the job site. A portable garage, carport, or large canopy is perfect to store lumber and building materials under so they don’t get wet. No more worrying about having enough tarps to cover everything or waiting on deliveries because of the weather. Portable garages and carport canopies are available is many sizes. They are also available with sides or without, with door panels or without.

Canopies offer many options for uses. So if you are low on cash and needing to store some items consider a canopy instead of building a shed or garage. Need a portable covering to take with you on the go? A pop-up canopy is perfect, it is easily transported and goes up or down in a snap. Whatever your needs are there is a canopy that will be right for you!