Campsites and Mosquitoes – Protect Yourself and Your Family While Camping

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Heading out to your family’s favorite lake or camping spot is all a part of traditional summer festivities. However with that tradition also comes with the un-welcomed presence of mosquitoes and other flying pests trying to ruin your outdoor fun. Nothing is worse than trying to enjoy hiking through the woods or just sitting around the campfire and dealing with mosquitoes biting you.

Not only is it the itchy red bites that make people seek vengeance against mosquitoes but also the threat of diseases that they bring along too. West Nile virus, malaria, yellow fever, and encephalitis are just a few mosquito borne diseases that can be contracted by humans; there are many, many more. Our pets are even vulnerable to diseases spread by contact with mosquitoes. This is why it is so important to take all precautions possible to limit the number of mosquitoes you come into contact with while outdoors, especially while camping for days at a time.

Whether you are going to a maintained campground or roughing it in the woods somewhere secluded, there are many options to keep the mosquitoes away. Here are a few environmentally friendly options to try:

Draw Mosquitoes Away from Campsites

Draw mosquitoes away from your campsite with a mosquito trap. The larger mosquito traps such as the SkeeterVac 3100 or 5100 work great if you are a campground operator. You can place them throughout the perimeter of you campground drawing the mosquitoes to the unit and away from the campsites. It takes roughly 3-4 weeks after placement to interrupt the mosquitoes breeding cycle so these would not be ideal to take along on a short camping trip. However there are smaller mosquito traps like the DynaTrap DT1250 that will work to draw the mosquitoes away from your campsite and trap them in the unit. There are even versions that are suitable to be used indoors if you are going away to a cabin.

Mosquito Control on Demand

Protect your campsite with placement of a mosquito mister. Use the all-natural concentrate so you are not introducing more chemicals into the air. The Backyard Mosquito Mister is a full size model that provides coverage for up to 2,000 sq. ft. There is also the Misting Lantern for smaller campsites, effectively repelling 95% of mosquitoes in up to a 300 sq. ft. area. Each model can be controlled remotely making them both effective and convenient. These units are also great for repelling no-see-ums, black flies, and other flying insects.

Fight Back with Table Top Repellers

Keep mosquitoes from bugging you while enjoying a relaxing afternoon just sitting around the campsite. Table top repellers or lanterns are great for placing around your tent or camper to keep the bugs away. The Table Top Repeller from AllClear is battery operated offering protection for up to 18 hours and covers a 15’ x 15’ area. Also consider a lantern style repeller, ThermaCell offers a few different styles of lanterns that work extremely well. They can be placed on a table or hung up by their handle providing a 15 x 15 ft. Bug-Free-Zone. Each lantern will also double as a light source for your campsite. Guests would never even know that it was a mosquito repelling unit without you telling them.

Effective Protection for Yourself

Some outdoor activities like hunting, fishing and hiking call for portable mosquito protection with hands-off appeal. These units contain no topical sprays or creams, no harsh chemicals and are extremely affordable! First we have the ThermaCELL Mosquito Repellent Appliances. These offer great protection that is odorless and undetectable. Each mat offers up to 4 hours of protection from mosquitoes, black flies, no-see-ums, and sand fleas. They are available in 6 different patterns and colors including camouflage, woodland camo, pink camo, olive green, brown, and grey. Another option is the ALLCLEAR SideKick Mosquito Repeller. This unit offers portable, hands-free protection from head to toe! Operates with 3 AAA batteries and offers 18 hours of protection per refill cartridge. Just clip it on your side and go!

Don’t let the thought of bugs buzzing around detour you from planning that annual camping trip or even the first camping trip. Get out there and enjoy the great outdoors with great mosquito protection.