It’s winter, the snow is falling, your driveway, deck, and porch are getting slippery, and it’s cold.  But you’re out of wood and it’s time to fill your hearth rack with firewood.  So you bundle up and hurry out to the wood pile.


You stack firewood in your arms just as fast as you can until you can hardly carry another piece.  With arms piled high it’s hard to even see where you’re going but nevertheless you head off across the slippery driveway when it happens…

You lose your footing and fall with an armful of firewood!

  • Slip and fall accidents account for over 1 million visits to the emergency room each year.
  • Half of all accidental deaths in the home are caused by a fall with most falls occurring on ground level, not from an elevation.
  • Of all fractures from falls, hip fractures are the most serious and lead to the greatest health problems and number of deaths.

The thought of a slip and fall is scary enough, that fear is elevated in the winter when temperatures drop, but when you add an armful of firewood into the mix the situation becomes even more serious.

Don’t take unnecessary risks, stay safe with a firewood cart from  A firewood cart is designed to handle more firewood than you can possibly carry in your arms saving you trips to the wood pile.  Fewer trips mean less chance of a slip and fall.

Eliminate the strain of trying to carry heavy firewood all the way from your wood pile to your home, simply load the firewood cart, push or pull the loaded cart to your door and wheel it right inside to your fireplace or wood stove or leave it near the door for easy access.

No more back and shoulder strain, the firewood cart does all the heavy lifting for you.

But the biggest advantage of all is that you avoid the potential of falling with an armload of firewood.  A slip and fall in the dead of winter with an armload of firewood could be devastating.  Don’t let a seemingly mundane task leave you injured…or worse.

Go to to get a firewood cart today and stay safe.